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From flies to file storage: Policy issues in the life-cycle of explanatory journalism

November 4, 2021

In order to engage in the policy making process, academics have a range of tools in their belt. Explanatory journalism is one of those tools. Explanatory journalism articles typically provide more context than traditional news reporting. They are also likely to be read by more people--including policy-makers--than traditional academic work. Explanatory journalism can help address society’s most pressing challenges, by offering accessible expert knowledge and evidence-based recommendations. However, the transition to online platforms presents important challenges as well as opportunities for this form of journalism.

Intervenantes : Heidi Tworek, Sabrina Wilkinson, Elizabeth Dubois
Modératrice : Evangeline Sadler

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Labo d'innovation pour le journalisme mondial

Labo d'innovation pour le journalisme mondial

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Université d'Ottawa

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